Now a third year computer engineering student i came here in the year 2006 with a dream in my eyes of becoming a computer engineer.Although for me it was a real surprise(better to say"shock") that i got admitted in a govt. college.Like every teenager wishes to study in a world class college with good infrastructure,top class faculty,and ofcourse a good campus, i too wished so but while on my journey kerala i never thought of how my college would actually be like.I was still busy confirming have i really got admitted or its some mistake.
But as far as my fellow classmates and batchmates were concerned they dreamt of gecskp as a college with high buildings and super infrastructure (since being a govt. college).But what they found was really horrible.The classes for the first year was being conducted in rented workshop like rooms.On the first day of our classes the principle addressed us personally and promised that the work would be completed in another six months and we will be shifted to the main building.Now its been 2 years and the construction work still continues.But ofcourse we have been shifted from those rooms to a better place and that too within the campus.The college construction work has speeded up due to some political pressures and college union.And i hope that before completing our btech me and my friends will be able step into the main college building........................................